 The 7 Mental Purifications!


Mental Purification comes in Seven Stages!

1: Mental Purification by Morality.
2: Mental Purification by Meditation.
3: Mental Purification via Right View.
4: Mental Purification by overcoming Doubt.
5: Purification by Knowledge & Vision of what is Path & non-Path.
6: Purification by Knowledge & Vision of the Noble 8-fold Way.
7: Purification by Directly Experienced Knowledge and Vision.

Avoiding all Harm;
Doing only Good;
Purifying the Mind;
This do all Buddhas teach!
Dhammapada 183

 More on Mental Purification (Visuddhi):
 Mental_Purity, Levels of Leaving Behind, The_purpose_of_purification,
 Ability_Purification, The_8_Understandings, Immaculate_Integrity.

 Sources: The moderate speech on the relay wagons MN24:
 The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges:

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Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Mental Purification!

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Bhikkhu Samahita


source: http://What-Buddha-Said.net/

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