SuttaCentral is structured around the idea of a distinct entity—usually a sutta, Vinaya rule, or section of text—which has a unique identity. That identity is represented by an abbreviation, which serves both to label the text and to create the URL for that text. These abbreviations are as short and flexible as we can make them. While we don’t arbitrarily depart from accepted usage, in certain cases the special requirements of SuttaCentral have meant we have adopted new abbreviations. All abbreviations must satisfy the following criteria.
- Unique across the entire SuttaCentral corpus;
- No special characters or diacritical marks (as these can’t be used in URLs);
- Case insenstive;
- Usually two, hopefully no more than three characters long;
- Conforming to recognized standards and conventions such as ISO.
To keep the list a reasonable length we omit language codes, which follow ISO 639-1. The exceptions are cases where there is no ISO 639-1 code, or we don’t use it because it clashes with other abbreviations on SuttaCentral.
-a | Aṭṭhakathā |
Ab | Abhidhamma |
ACIP | Asian Classics Input Project |
AN | Aṅguttara Nikāya |
Arv | Arthaviniścaya |
As | Adhikaraṇasamatha |
Asc | Abhisamācārika |
Avs | Avadānaśataka |
Ay | Aniyata |
BA | Bhikkhu Adhyāya |
Bc | Buddhacarita |
Bi | Bhikkhunī |
Bu | Bhikkhu |
Bv | Buddhavaṃsa |
CBETA | Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association |
Cp | Cariyapiṭaka |
D | Derge edition of Tibetan canon |
DA | Dīrghāgama |
DDB | Digital Dictionary of Buddhism |
Dg | Dharmaguptaka |
DH | Dun Huang |
Dhp | Dhammapada |
Dhs | Dhammasaṅgaṇi |
Divy | Divyāvadāna |
Dk | Dharmaskandha |
DN | Dīgha Nikāya |
Dpvs | Dīpavaṁsa |
Dt | Dhātukathā |
Du | Dukkaṭa |
Dy | Dhātukāya |
EA | Ekottarikāgama |
EA2 | 2nd Ekottarikāgama |
ed | edited, edition, editor |
F | Fragment |
G | Gilgit |
GBM | Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts |
Gd | Garudhamma |
Gdhp | Gandhari Dharmapada |
Gf | Gandhari fragment |
Gr | Gandhari |
GRETIL | Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages |
GS | Gradual Sayings |
Hf | Hybrid Sanskrit fragment |
Hskt | Hybrid Sanskrit |
Hv | Haimavata |
Iti | Itivuttaka |
Ja | Jātaka |
Jp | Jnānaprasthāna |
Ka | Kaśyapīya |
KA | Khuddakāgama |
Kd | Khandhaka |
Kdv | Khuddakavatthu |
Kf | Khotanese fragment |
Kh | Khotanese |
Kp | Khuddakapāṭha |
KN | Khuddaka Nikāya |
KS | Kindred Sayings |
Kv | Kathāvatthu |
Lal | Lalitavistara |
ll | Parallels |
Lo | Lokuttaravāda |
MA | Madhyamāgama |
Mg | Mahāsaṅghika |
Mh | Mahāsūtras |
Mhvs | Mahāvaṁsa |
Mi | Mahīśasaka |
Mil | Milindapañha |
MN | Majjhima Nikāya |
Mpt | Mahāvyutpatti |
Ms | Mahasaṅgīti Tipiṭaka |
Mu | Mūlasarvāstivāda |
Mvu | Mahāvastu |
Nd | Niddesa |
Ne | Nettipakaraṇa |
NP | Nissaggiya Pācittiya |
Oa | Other Āgama |
Other-t | Other Taishō |
P | page |
Pc | Pācittiya |
Pd | Pātidesanīya |
Pdhp | Patna Dharmapada |
Pe | Peṭakopadesa |
Pf | Prakrit fragment |
Pj | Pārājika |
Pk | Prakaraṇapada |
Pm | Pātimokkha |
Pn | Pakiṇṇaka |
Pp | Puggalapaññatti |
Pr | Prākrit |
Pr | Prajnaptiśāstra |
Prv | Parivāra |
Patthana | Paṭṭhāna |
Pts | Paṭisambhidāmagga |
Pu | Puggalavāda |
Pv | Petavatthu |
Q | Qianlong (Peking edition of Tibetan canon) |
SA | Saṃyuktāgama |
SA2 | 2nd Saṃyuktāgama |
SA3 | 3rd Saṃyuktāgama |
Sab | Śāriputrābhidharma |
Sb | Saṅghabhedavastu |
SC | SuttaCentral |
Sf | Sanskrit fragment |
Sg | Saṅgītiparyāya |
SHT | Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden |
Sk | Sekhiya |
Skt | Sanskrit |
SN | Saṃyutta Nikāya |
Snp | Suttanipāta |
Spp | Śāriputraparipṛcchā |
Ss | Saṅghādisesa |
Su | Sutta/sūtra |
Sarv | Sarvāstivāda |
T | Taishō Shinshu Daizōkyō |
Tc | Tibetan Critical editions |
Tf | Turfan |
Tha-ap | Thera Apadana |
Thag | Theragāthā |
Thi-ap | Therī Apadana |
Thig | Therīgāthā |
Tl | Thullaccaya |
Tv | Theravāda |
Ud | Udāna |
Uf | Uighur fragment |
Up | Abhidharmakośopayikanāmaṭīkā (Upāyika) |
Upp | Upaliparipṛcchā |
Vb | Vibhaṅga |
VE | Vinaya Ekottara |
Vin | Vinaya |
Vk | Vijnānakāya |
Vns | Vinayanidānasūtra |
Vol | volume |
VS | (Vinaya) Saṃyutta |
Vv | Vimānavatthu |
WP | Wisdom Publications |
Ya | Yamaka |
It is currently .