Dīgha Nikāya 32
The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse
The Occasion
Thus I have heard: at one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Rājagaha on the Vultures’ Peak mountain. Then the Four Great Kings, with a great army of yakkhas, with a great army of gandhabbas, with a great army of kumbhaṇḍas, with a great army of nāgas, having set up a protection over the four quarters, having set serried troops at the four directions, having set up a barricade at the four directions, at the end of the night, having lit up the whole of Vultures’ Peak with their surpassing beauty, approached the Gracious One, and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One, they sat down on one side. Then of those yakkhas, some, after worshipping the Gracious One, sat down on one side. Some exchanged greetings with the Gracious One, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, sat down on one side. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to the Gracious One, sat down on one side. Some, after announcing their name and family, sat down on one side. Some, while keeping silent, sat down on one side. Then, while sitting on one side, the Great King Vessavaṇa said this to the Gracious One:
“There are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas are not pleased with the Gracious One.
“What is the reason for that? Because, reverend Sir, the Gracious One preaches the Dhamma of refraining from killing living creatures, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from taking what has not been given, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from sexual misconduct, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from false speech, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from liquor, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas do not refrain from killing living creatures, do not refrain from taking what has not been given, do not refrain from sexual misconduct, do not refrain from false speech, do not refrain from liquors, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. To them that is neither dear nor appealing.
“There are, reverend Sir, disciples of the Gracious One in the wilderness, who are practising in remote jungle dwelling places, where there is little sound, little noise, which have a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which are suitable for seclusion. And there are high ranking yakkhas settled there who are not pleased with the word of the Gracious One, To please then, reverend Sir, may the Gracious One learn this Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.”
The Gracious One by keeping silent gave consent. Then the Great King Vessavaṇa having understood the Gracious One’s consent on that occasion recited this Āṭānāṭiya protection:
The Seven Buddhas
1“May you revere Vipassī,
the glorious Visionary,
may you revere Sikhī,
who has pity on all beings,2“May you revere Vessabhū,
the austere one, cleansed (of corruptions),
may you revere Kakusandha,
who has crushed Māra’s army,3“May you revere Koṇāgamana,
the accomplished brahmin,
may you revere Kassapa,
who is free in every respect.4“May you revere Aṅgīrasa,
the glorious son of the Sakyans,
he who preached this Dhamma,
which is the dispelling of all suffering.5“Those who are emancipated in the world,
who have insight (into things) as they are,
those people free from malicious speech,
who are great and fully mature,6“They will revere that Gotama,
who is of benefit to gods and men,
who has understanding and good conduct,
who is great and fully mature.
The East
7“From where the sun comes up,
the son of Aditi, the great circle,
while that one is coming up,
the darkness of night comes to an end,8“And after the sun has come up,
it is said to be the daytime,
there is a deep lake in that place,
an ocean where the waters have flowed,9“Thus in that place they know there is
an ocean where the waters have flowed,
from here that is the Easterly direction,
so the people declare.10“That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the gandhabbas,
Dhataraṭṭha, such is his name.11“He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by gandhabbas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,12“They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,13“From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
‘Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!’14“You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:15“‘You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’
The South
16“There they say (go) the departed,
who speak maliciously, backbiters,
killers of creatures, hunters,
thieves, and fraudulent people,
from here that is the Southerly direction,
so the people declare.17“That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the kumbhaṇḍhas,
Virūḷha, such is his name.18“He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by kumbhaṇḍhas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,19“They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,20“From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
‘Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!’21“You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:22“‘You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’
The West
23“That place where the sun goes down,
the son of Aditi, the great circle,
while that one is going down
the light of day comes to an end,24“And after the sun has gone down,
it is said to be night-time,
there is a deep lake in that place,
an ocean where the waters have flowed,25“Thus in that place they know there is
an ocean where the waters have flowed,
from here that is the Westerly direction,
so the people declare.26“That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the nāgas,
Virūpakkha, such is his name.27“He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by nāgas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,28“They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,29“From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
‘Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!’30“You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:31“‘You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’
The North
32“Where delightful Uttarakuru is,
and the good looking Mount Neru,
the men who are born in that place
are unselfish, without possessions.33“They do not sow the seed,
and nor are there ploughs led along,
the rice that men enjoy the use of there
matures in untilled ground,34“Without husk powder or chaff, pure,
sweet smelling grains of the finest rice,
having cooked it on hot rocks (without smoke),
they then enjoy their food.35“Having made their cows solid-hooved
they go about from place to place,
having made their kine solid-hooved
they go about from place to place,36“Having made women their vehicle
they go about from place to place,
having made men their vehicle
they go about from place to place,37“Having made girls their vehicle
they go about from place to place,
having made boys their vehicle
they go about from place to place.38“Having mounted their (various) carriages,
the messengers of that King go around in all directions,
being furnished with elephant,
and horse, and divine-carriages.39“And for that Great and resplendent King
there are palaces and palanquins,
and there are cities for him also,
that are well built in the heavens (called):
“Āṭānāṭā, Kusināṭā, Parakusināṭā, Nāṭapuriyā, Parakusitanāṭā. To the North is Kapīvanta, and on the other side is Janogha, Navanavatiya, Ambara-ambaravatiya, and the king’s capital named Ālakamandā. The Great King Kuvera’s capital, dear Sir, is named Visāṇā, therefore is the Great King also called Vessavaṇa. These each individually inform (the King): Tatolā, Tattalā, Tatotalā, Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Sūra, Rājā, Ariṭṭha, Nemi. There is a lake in that place also, named Dharaṇī, and from there the clouds rain down, from there the rains spread. There also is the public hall named Bhagalavatī where the yakkhas assemble.
40“There the trees are always in fruit,
and have a crowd of birds of diverse kinds,
resounding with peacocks and hens,
and also with the lovely cuckoos,41“There is the pheasant who calls out “Live on!”,
and the bird who calls out “Lift up your minds!”,
there are the jungle fowl, and golden cocks,
and in the wood the lotus crane,42“There are the sounds of parrot and mynah,
and birds who have young mens’ faces,
and Kuvera’s lotus pond is ever attractive, all of the time,
from here that is the Northerly direction,
so the people declare.43“That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the yakkhas,
Kuvera, such is his name.44“He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by yakkhas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,45“They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,46“From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
‘Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!’47“You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:48“‘You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’
“This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. Whoever, dear Sir—be they monk or nun or layman or laywoman—learns this Āṭānāṭiya protection well, and will master it in its entirety, then if a non-human being—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind come near while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, then that non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my villages and towns, honour or respect. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my royal city Ālakamandā, ground or dwelling. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not be able to go to the gathering of the yakkhas. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would not give or take him in marriage. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would abuse him with very personal abuse. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would drop an empty bowl over his head. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would split his head into seven pieces.
“There are non-human beings, dear Sir, who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ mens’ men, and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings. Just as, dear Sir, there are thieves in the king of Magadha’s realm, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s men, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s mens’ men, and those great thieves, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the king of Magadha. Even so, dear Sir, there are non-human beings who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ mens’ men, and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings.
“Now, dear Sir, whatever non-human beings—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind should come near a monk or a nun or a layman or a laywoman while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: “This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.” To which yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals?
49“Inda, Soma, and Varuṇa,
Bhāradvāja, Pajāpati,
Candana, and Kāmaseṭṭha,
Kinnughaṇḍu, and Nighaṇḍu,
Panāda, and Opamañña,
and Mātali, the gods’ charioteer.50“The gandhabbas Citta and Sena,
the kings Nala and Janesabha,
Sātāgira, Hemavata,
Puṇṇaka, Karatiya, Guḷa,51“Sīvaka, and Mucalinda,
Vessāmitta, Yugandhara,
Gopāla, and Suppagedha,
Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya,52“Pañcālacaṇḍa, Ālavaka,
Pajjuna, Sumana, Sumukha, Dadhīmukha,
Maṇi, Māṇi, Cara, Dīgha,
together with Serissaka:
“Then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: ‘This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.’
“This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiyā protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. And now, dear Sir, we shall go, as we have many duties, and there is much which ought to be done.”
“Now is the time for whatever you Great Kings are thinking.” Then the Four Great Kings rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, vanished right there. Then some yakkhas rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, vanished right there. Some exchanged greetings with the Gracious One, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, vanished right there. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to the Gracious One, vanished right there. Some, after announcing their name and family vanished right there. And some, while keeping silent, vanished right there.
The first recital is finished.
Then the Gracious One when that night had passed addressed the monks, saying: “This night, monks, the Four Great Kings, with a great army of yakkhas, with a great army of gandhabbas, with a great army of kumbhaṇḍas, with a great army of nāgas, having set up a protection over the four quarters, having set serried troops at the four directions, having set up a barricade at the four directions, at the end of the night, having lit up the whole of Vultures’ Peak with their surpassing beauty, approached me, and after approaching and worshipping me, they sat down on one side. Then of those yakkhas, monks, some, after worshipping me, sat down on one side. Some exchanged greetings with me, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, sat down on one side. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to me, sat down on one side. Some, after announcing their name and family, sat down on one side. Some, while keeping silent, sat down on one side. Then, while sitting on one side, monks, the Great King Vessavaṇa said this to me: ‘There are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some high ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some middle ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are not pleased with the Gracious One, there are, reverend Sir, some low ranking yakkhas who are pleased with the Gracious One. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas are not pleased with the Gracious One.
“‘What is the reason for that? Because, reverend Sir, the Gracious One preaches the Dhamma of refraining from killing living creatures, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from taking what has not been given, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from sexual misconduct, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from false speech, preaches the Dhamma of refraining from liquor, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. But, reverend Sir, almost all of the yakkhas do not refrain from killing living creatures, do not refrain from taking what has not been given, do not refrain from sexual misconduct, do not refrain from false speech, do not refrain from liquors, wines, or intoxicants which cause heedlessness. To them that is neither dear nor appealing.
“‘There are, reverend Sir, disciples of the Gracious One in the wilderness, who are practising in remote jungle dwelling places, where there is little sound, little noise, which have a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which are suitable for seclusion. And there are high ranking yakkhas settled there who are not pleased with the word of the Gracious One, To please then, reverend Sir, may the Gracious One learn this Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.’ And I, monks, by keeping silent, gave consent. Then the Great King Vessavaṇa, monks, having understood my consent on that occasion recited this Āṭānāṭiya protection:
The Seven Buddhas
53“‘May you revere Vipassī,
the glorious Visionary,
may you revere Sikhī,
who has pity on all beings,54“‘May you revere Vessabhū,
the austere one, cleansed (of corruptions),
may you revere Kakusandha,
who has crushed Māra’s army,55“‘May you revere Koṇāgamana,
the accomplished brahmin,
may you revere Kassapa,
who is free in every respect.56“‘May you revere Aṅgīrasa,
the glorious son of the Sakyans,
he who preached this Dhamma,
which is the dispelling of all suffering.57“‘Those who are emancipated in the world,
who have insight (into things) as they are,
those people who are free from malicious speech,
who are great and fully mature,58“‘They will revere that Gotama,
who is of benefit to gods and men,
who has understanding and good conduct,
who is great and fully mature.
The East
59“‘From where the sun comes up,
the son of Aditi, the great circle,
while that one is coming up,
the darkness of night comes to an end,60“‘And after the sun has come up,
it is said to be the daytime,
there is a deep lake in that place,
an ocean where the waters have flowed,61“‘Thus in that place they know there is
an ocean where the waters have flowed,
from here that is the Easterly direction,
so the people declare.62“‘That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the gandhabbas,
Dhataraṭṭha, such is his name.63“‘He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by gandhabbas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,64“‘They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,65“‘From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
“Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!”66“‘You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:67“‘“You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!”
The South
68“‘There they say (go) the departed,
who speak maliciously, backbiters,
killers of creatures, hunters,
thieves, and fraudulent people,
from here that is the Southerly direction,
so the people declare.69“‘That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the kumbhaṇḍhas,
Virūḷha, such is his name.70“‘He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by kumbhaṇḍhas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,71“‘They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,72“‘From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
“Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!”73“‘You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:74“‘“You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!”
The West
75“‘That place where the sun goes down,
the son of Aditi, the great circle,
while that one is going down
the light of day comes to an end,76“‘And after the sun has gone down,
it is said to be night-time,
there is a deep lake in that place,
an ocean where the waters have flowed,77“‘Thus in that place they know there is
an ocean where the waters have flowed,
from here that is the Westerly direction,
so the people declare.78“‘That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the nāgas,
Virūpakkha, such is his name.79“‘He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by nāgas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,80“‘They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,81“‘From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
“Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!”82“‘You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:83“‘“You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!”
The North
84“‘Where delightful Uttarakuru is,
and the good looking Mount Neru,
the men who are born in that place
are unselfish, without possessions.85“‘They do not sow the seed,
and nor are there ploughs led along,
the rice that men enjoy the use of there
matures in untilled ground,86“‘Without husk powder or chaff, pure,
sweet smelling grains of the finest rice,
having cooked it on hot rocks (without smoke),
they then enjoy their food.87“‘Having made their cows solid-hooved
they go about from place to place,
having made their kine solid-hooved
they go about from place to place,88“‘Having made women their vehicle
they go about from place to place,
having made men their vehicle
they go about from place to place,89“‘Having made girls their vehicle
they go about from place to place,
having made boys their vehicle
they go about from place to place.90“‘Having mounted their (various) carriages,
the messengers of that King go around in all directions,
being furnished with elephant,
and horse, and divine-carriages.91“‘And for that Great and resplendent King
there are palaces and palanquins,
and there are cities for him also,
that are well built in the heavens (called):
“‘Āṭānāṭā, Kusināṭā, Parakusināṭā, Nāṭapuriyā, Parakusitanāṭā. To the North is Kapīvanta, and on the other side is Janogha, Navanavatiya, Ambara-ambaravatiya, and the king’s capital named Ālakamandā. The Great King Kuvera’s capital, dear Sir, is named Visāṇā, therefore is the Great King also called Vessavaṇa. These each individually inform (the King): Tatolā, Tattalā, Tatotalā, Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Sūra, Rājā, Ariṭṭha, Nemi. There is a lake in that place also, named Dharaṇī, and from there the clouds rain down, from there the rains spread. There also is the public hall named Bhagalavatī where the yakkhas assemble.
92“‘There the trees are always in fruit,
and have a crowd of birds of diverse kinds,
resounding with peacocks and hens,
and also with the lovely cuckoos,93“‘There is the pheasant who calls out “Live on!”,
and the bird who calls out “Lift up your minds!”,
there are the jungle fowl, and golden cocks,
and in the wood the lotus crane,94“‘There are the sounds of parrot and mynah,
and birds who have young mens’ faces,
and Kuvera’s lotus pond is ever attractive, all of the time,
from here that is the Northerly direction,
so the people declare.95“‘That direction is watched over
by a resplendent Great King,
he is the master of the yakkhas,
Kuvera, such is his name.96“‘He delights in song and dance,
he is honoured by yakkhas,
he also has a great many sons,
all of one name, so I have heard,97“‘They are eighty and ten and one,
Inda by name, ones of great strength,
they, having seen the Awakened One,
the Buddha, kinsman of the sun,98“‘From afar, do reverence him,
who is great and fully mature:
‘Reverence to you, excellent one!
Reverence to you, supreme one!’99“‘You have looked on us with goodness,
the non-human beings worship you,
we have heard this repeatedly,
therefore we should speak like this:100“‘You should worship the victor Gotama,
we should worship the victor Gotama,
who has understanding and good conduct,
we should worship the Buddha Gotama!’
“‘This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiya protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. Whoever, dear Sir—be they monk or nun or layman or laywoman—learns this Āṭānāṭiya protection well, and will master it in its entirety, then if a non-human being—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind should come near while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, then that non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my villages and towns, honour or respect. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not receive in my royal city Ālakamandā, ground or dwelling. That non-human being, dear Sir, would not be able to go to the gathering of the yakkhas. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would not give or take him in marriage. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would abuse him with very personal abuse. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would drop an empty bowl over his head. Further, dear Sir, non-human beings would split his head into seven pieces.
“‘There are non-human beings, dear Sir, who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ mens’ men, and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings. Just as, dear Sir, there are thieves in the king of Magadha’s realm, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s men, who do not take notice of the king of Magadha’s mens’ men, and those great thieves, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the king of Magadha. Even so, dear Sir, there are non-human beings who are fierce, cruel, and violent, they do not take notice of the Great Kings. They do not take notice of the Great Kings’ men, they do not take notice of the Great Kings’ mens’ men, and those non-human beings, dear Sir, are said to be in revolt against the Great Kings.
“‘Now, dear Sir, whatever non-human beings—be they male yakkha or female yakkha or yakkha boy or yakkha girl or yakkha minister or yakkha councillor or yakkha messenger or male gandhabba or female gandhabba or gandhabba boy or gandhabba girl or gandhabba minister or gandhabba councillor or gandhabba messenger or male kumbhaṇḍa or female kumbhaṇḍa or kumbhaṇḍa boy or kumbhaṇḍa girl or kumbhaṇḍa minister or kumbhaṇḍa councillor or kumbhaṇḍa messenger or male nāga or female nāga or nāga boy or nāga girl or nāga minister or nāga councillor or nāga messenger—with a wicked mind should come near a monk or a nun or a layman or a laywoman while they are going, or stand near while they are standing, or sit near while they are sitting, or lie near while they are lying, then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: “This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.” To which yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals?
101“‘Inda, Soma, and Varuṇa,
Bhāradvāja, Pajāpati,
Candana, and Kāmaseṭṭha,
Kinnughaṇḍu, and Nighaṇḍu,
Panāda, and Opamañña,
and Mātali, the gods’ charioteer.102“‘The gandhabbas Citta and Sena,
the kings Nala and Janesabha,
Sātāgira, Hemavata,
Puṇṇaka, Karatiya, Guḷa,103“‘Sīvaka, and Mucalinda,
Vessāmitta, Yugandhara,
Gopāla, and Suppagedha,
Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya,104“‘Pañcālacaṇḍa, Ālavaka,
Pajjuna, Sumana, Sumukha, Dadhīmukha,
Maṇi, Māṇi, Cara, Dīgha,
together with Serissaka
“‘Then to these yakkhas, great yakkhas, generals, and great generals, one should call out, one should shout out, one should cry out: “This yakkha has seized me, this yakkha has grabbed me, this yakkha annoys me, this yakkha harasses me, this yakkha hurts me, this yakkha injures me, this yakkha will not release me.” This, dear Sir, is the Āṭānāṭiyā protection, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living. And now, dear Sir, we shall go, as we have many duties, and there is much which ought to be done.”
“‘Now is the time for whatever you Great Kings are thinking.’ Then the Four Great Kings, monks, rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating me, vanished right there. Then some yakkhas, monks, rose from their seats and after worshipping and circumambulating me, vanished right there. Some exchanged greetings with me, and after exchanging polite and courteous greetings, vanished right there. Some, after raising their hands in respectful salutation to me, vanished right there. Some, after announcing their name and family vanished right there. And some, while keeping silent, vanished right there.
“Learn the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, master the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, bear in mind the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, the Āṭānāṭiya protection, monks, is for your welfare and benefit, for the monks’, nuns’, laymen’s, and laywomen’s guard, protection, freedom from harm, and comfortable living.”
The Gracious One said this, and those monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by the Gracious One.
The Āṭānāṭiyasutta is finished.