Theravāda Vinayapiṭaka
9. Exposition Of Reasons
Founded on ten reasons a rule of training is laid down by the Tathāgata for disciples:
- for the excellence of the Order,
- for the comfort of the Order,
- for the restraint of evil minded individuals,
- for the living in comfort of well behaved monks,
- for the control of the cankers belonging to the here-now,
- for the combating of the cankers belonging to a future state,
- for the benefit of non-believers,
- for the increase in the number of believers,
- for the maintenance of True Dhamma,
- for the furthering of Discipline.
That which is the excellence of the Order is the comfort of the Order. That which is the comfort of the Order is for the restraint of evil minded individuals. That which is for the restraint of evil minded individuals is for the living in comfort of well behaved monks … That which is for the maintenance of True Dhamma is for the furthering of Discipline.
That which is the excellence of the Order is the comfort of the Order. That which is the excellence of the Order is for the restraint of evil minded individuals … That which is the excellence of the Order is for the furthering of Discipline.
That which is the comfort of the Order is for the restraint of evil minded individuals … That which is the comfort of the Order is for the furthering of Discipline.
That which is the comfort of the Order is the excellence of the Order …
That which is for the furthering of Discipline is the excellence of the Order … That which is for the furthering of Discipline is for the maintenance of True Dhamma.
A hundred meanings, a hundred clauses, and two hundred expressions,
Four hundred knowledges are in the exposition of the “reasons”.
Concluded is the Exposition of the Reasons
Concluded is the Great Division
Its Summary
At first there are eight for questions,
and eight again in the conditions,
These are sixteen for monks and sixteen for nuns. /
Consecutive repetitions, Synopsis,
and also the Gradation,
Invitation and about the reasons:
the classification of the Great Analysis. /